"E' ben difficile, in geografia come in morale, capire il mondo senza uscire di casa." Voltaire
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Tramonto sulla spiaggia di Unawatuna Foto scattata con iPhone 4S - correzione con app Font Candy |
Che vorrei scoprire ogni angolo del mondo non è una novità, per ora sto scoprendo l'Asia ed ogni volta che devo scegliere una destinazione ricado sempre su questo continente.
Quest'anno durante il mio mese off con il mio compagno abbiamo puntato allo Sri Lanka. E' doveroso fare una premessa: io sono anni che sogno di andare in India, chiunque ci sia stato ne decanta le sue meraviglie, ma non riesco a convincere il mio compagno che non so per quale motivo nutre un vero e proprio rifiuto verso quella terra, inoltre per lui è molto importante che la destinazione offra onde da surfare; avevo dunque proposto un compromesso: 2 settimane in India del nord e 2 in Sri Lanka...poi però ci siamo decisi troppo tardi ed i biglietti aerei venivano a costarci un po' troppo, così ho ceduto e siamo andati un mese intero in Sri Lanka.
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Viaggio in treno tra Ella e Kandy attraverso le piantagioni di té Foto scattata con Canon Eos 1100D |
E' stato bello scoprire nuove usanze, aprirsi la mente, conoscere nuove usanze. La cordialità del popolo singalese è immensa, sono gentilissimi, molto accoglienti e sempre pronti ad aiutarvi se vi sentite smarriti. Purtroppo questo è l'unico punto a loro favore insieme a quei teneri pachidermi che abitano il paese ed i tramonti mozza fiato.
Durante il viaggio le note negative sono state troppe, in primis abbiamo speso un sacco di soldi, troppi per quello che lo Sri Lanka ha da offrire: le visite ai siti archeologici od ai templi costano 30$ e lo trovo veramente eccessivo e dannoso per il turismo. Le strutture ricettive sono vecchie e trasandate e ve le fanno pagare care, parliamoci chiaro io non cerco, anzi evito come la peste i grandi resort o alberghi, gli ostelli e le guesthouse sono i miei alloggi preferiti, ma quelli singalesi facevano proprio piangere e costavano quasi 20€ a notte!
Ci siamo ritrovati a contare le rupie in modo da non rimanere senza soldi per mangiare e dormire, abbiamo rinunciato a molte visite ed anche al noleggio di tavole da surf altrimenti non saremmo potuti arrivare alla fine del viaggio... probabilmente abbiamo sbagliato i calcoli, probabilmente dovevamo starci meno tempo, fatto sta che si è rivelato un viaggio stressante ed anche frustrante perché non è che vogliamo fare i signori, non lo facciamo neanche a casa nostra, ma neanche ritrovarci a fare i barboni ed è così che ci siamo sentiti!
Abbiamo speso quasi 900€ a testa escluso il volo (trovo che per un viaggio zaino in spalla in Asia paragonando ad altri paesi in cui siamo stati - Cina esclusa - sia veramente troppo).
Quindi il consiglio che vorrei darvi nel caso stiate pianificando un viaggio lì è di avere fondi sufficienti e scegliere un sito archeologico solamente, perché a parer mio le visite così costose sono da boicottare! Per il resto del tempo potete tranquillamente rilassarvi al mare!
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Elefante a Pinnawala Canon EOS 1100D |
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Tramonto a Midigama Canon EOS 1100D |
Quanti di voi hanno avuto le mie stesse impressioni? Chi invece vorrebbe dirmi il contrario?
It is not a secret that I would love to discover every corner of the world. So far my travels are orientated towards Asia and I'm just back from Sri Lanka.
Before explaining my thoughts about it, I needto tell you that since many years I'm dreaming of a journey to India, whoever has been there that I know describes India like a magnificient country, but my partener for an unknown reason doesn't want to go, and for him it's very important that wherever is the destination waves for surfing have to be present, so I tried to bargain a little bit suggesting for our month off, 2 weeks to north of India and 2 others to Sri Lanka, but we decided too late and he finally won and we went the whole month to Sri Lanka.
It was so interesting discovering a new culture and everything goes around that, people are so nice, kind and always ready to help if you feel a little bit lost, unfortunately this is the only positive side, together with the elephants and breathless sunset, that I found in this country.
During our trip we faced to many negative sides that made our holiday a little bit too much frustrating: first of all I found Sri Lanka so expensive for what they can actually offer. Their archeological sites or temples entrance costs 30$ and at the end of the day, no offence, it was nothing so amazing.
Talking about accommodations, the majotiry of them are very old and in need of a refreshment, very expensive like 20€ per night for a basic and old room; when we travel we defenitely avoid resorts or grand hotel, we love hostels and guesthouse...so we were so disppointed to pay so much for nothing.
Moreover, I'd like to specify that, when we travel we are not pretending to be snob and rich people, we are not not even in our place, but at the same time we don't want to count our money every single day in order to get to the end of the holiday, and this is what actually happened, we felt like homeless and it was horrible, so we didn't relaxed at all.
My advice if you are planning to go to Sri Lanka is to have enough money and choose only one site to visit because their price are so ridicously expensive!
Our budget was about 500€ per person without the flight, we spent 900€ each without the flight!...and we travel backbacking, moving by public transports and sleeping in hostels!
Have you ever been there? What do you think abou it?
Before explaining my thoughts about it, I needto tell you that since many years I'm dreaming of a journey to India, whoever has been there that I know describes India like a magnificient country, but my partener for an unknown reason doesn't want to go, and for him it's very important that wherever is the destination waves for surfing have to be present, so I tried to bargain a little bit suggesting for our month off, 2 weeks to north of India and 2 others to Sri Lanka, but we decided too late and he finally won and we went the whole month to Sri Lanka.
It was so interesting discovering a new culture and everything goes around that, people are so nice, kind and always ready to help if you feel a little bit lost, unfortunately this is the only positive side, together with the elephants and breathless sunset, that I found in this country.
During our trip we faced to many negative sides that made our holiday a little bit too much frustrating: first of all I found Sri Lanka so expensive for what they can actually offer. Their archeological sites or temples entrance costs 30$ and at the end of the day, no offence, it was nothing so amazing.
Talking about accommodations, the majotiry of them are very old and in need of a refreshment, very expensive like 20€ per night for a basic and old room; when we travel we defenitely avoid resorts or grand hotel, we love hostels and guesthouse...so we were so disppointed to pay so much for nothing.
Moreover, I'd like to specify that, when we travel we are not pretending to be snob and rich people, we are not not even in our place, but at the same time we don't want to count our money every single day in order to get to the end of the holiday, and this is what actually happened, we felt like homeless and it was horrible, so we didn't relaxed at all.
My advice if you are planning to go to Sri Lanka is to have enough money and choose only one site to visit because their price are so ridicously expensive!
Our budget was about 500€ per person without the flight, we spent 900€ each without the flight!...and we travel backbacking, moving by public transports and sleeping in hostels!
Have you ever been there? What do you think abou it?
*I do apologize for any mistake/fault written in english
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