Ciao ragazzi, qualche settimana fa mi è arrivata una mail da TripAdvisor dove mi sottolineava che avevo visitato il 7% del mondo. Il sette percento? E basta!!! Sinceramente mi è presa male, insomma io andrei ovunque pur di arricchirmi lo spirito e gli occhi, tutto sta nel trovare il tempo ed i soldi; comunque non deprimiamoci troppo e con il post di oggi voglio stilare con voi la lista dei 10 posti che voglio assolutamente visitare nei prossimi anni.
Hi folks, few weeks ago I received an e-mail from TripAdvisor where it was highlighting that I've visited the 7% of the world. Seriously, seven per cent? That's it?!! Honestly I was a litlle bit sad, I really want to anywhere in order to make my mind, soul and eyes richer, but we know that we need time and money; anyway let's don't depress too much and today I'd like to share with you my top 10 trip list that hopefully I wil visit during the next years
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Source: google |
I'm dreaming of India since at least 10 years, whoever went there, for a short or long time, talks about that country as something really strong and at the same time enchanting, you see very hard situations that makes you feel like to have what you got. That' what I want to see, maybe I'm masochist, but I really need to visit India!